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Enzen has been opening the minds of school pupils to the wonders of engineering, after hosting two careers webinars as part of our Mission: Sustainability programme in the UK.


Senior knowledge practitioners Blessy Babu and Darren McNulty each delivered a virtual careers talk for schools in Birmingham participating in Mission: Sustainability – our community partnership which sees Enzen share its energy and water knowledge in pupils' science lessons.

Themed 'How Engineering Shapes the World', Darren explained to more than 150 pupils aged between 9 and 11 across four primary schools what engineering is, what inspired him to become one and why it's such a rewarding career path so valuable to the future of our planet.

Careers Webinar St John Fisher.jpg
INSPIRING THE NEXT GENERATION: Pupils from St John Fisher Catholic Primary School learned valuable insights into engineering from Enzenite Darren McNulty

Following this up was Blessy's presentation entitled 'My Career Journey in Engineering'. In her webinar, delivered to more than 50 pupils from the King Edward's School for Girls in Northfield, Blessy talked about opportunities available to young girls in the profession and the skills and mindset you need to succeed.

One primary school teacher involved said: "The children were really interested and I asked them at the end whether any of them were interested in this kind of career and a large number of hands went up. We had a lovely discussion about the different types of engineers there are and the jobs some of their family members do in engineering. It was a great springboard for our vocations week so thank you!"

Now in its second year and delivered entirely virtually, Mission: Sustainability sees Enzen knowledge practitioners set school pupils aged between 9 and 16 challenges themed on energy and water as part of a city-wide competition. Judging for this year's programme is currently underway, and winners will be announced by the end of the UK academic year in July.

To find out more about our Mission: Sustainability programme, email the team at

Published: 25 May 2021

Last updated: 24 Jun 2021

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