As the UK aims for net zero by 2050, Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) will need to develop their infrastructure to accommodate the triple forces of digitalisation, decarbonisation and decentralisation which will transform utilities in the coming decades.
The solution lies in DNOs moving towards a Distribution Systems Operator (DSO) model. This incorporates low carbon technologies like wind, solar, heat pumps, storage and smart grid technology into the networks while fulfilling regulatory requirements and providing safe, secure, reliable, affordable and resilient power to consumers.
This white paper, the first in a series of four, focuses on how DNOs can make innovative DSO practices business as usual in their network.
Such a transition ultimately requires a fundamental change in network development strategy, network operations and network growth. The outcomes will be more flexible, sustainable DNOs that can deliver whole system, cost-effective, reliable and secure solutions while still delivering best value to consumers.
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