For the second time this year, two female leaders at Enzen are celebrating personal award wins for their talent, leadership and exceptional contribution to our industry.
Dr. Shweta Tripathi, Global Head of Knowledge, and Dr. Uma Rajarathnam, Vice President and Global Head of Applied Research and Collaboration, will be hailed as inspiring next generation leaders at the upcoming Women Empowerment Leadership Principles Award 2020-21.

Organised by leading news publication AsiaOne, in collaboration with UN Global Compacts UAE, the awards celebrate outstanding women leaders who are making a difference in their industry.
In celebration of their achievements, Shweta and Uma's stories will appear on television and in print, and both Enzenites will be congratulated at a gala awards ceremony scheduled for January 2021.
Their success follows on from Shweta and Uma being named as two of Asia’s Most Influential Women In Renewable Energy 2020 – another testament to how they've showed dedication and passion to increasing Enzen's influence within the energy industry.

And there's more good news...
As well as Shweta and Uma's achievements, we're also delighted to report that Enzen has been recognised by AsiaOne as India's Greatest Brand 2020-21 within the energy and power industry. The honour comes in recognition of our innovation and impact within the sector and our positive contribution to communities across India. The formal awards ceremony will be held in January 2021.
These successes mean we are well-placed to make an even greater contribution to positive, sustainable change within the energy and water sector in the years to come.